Policy in the Event of a Pandemic
Policy in the event of a pandemic
This policy will be reviewed regularly by the nursery manager in conjunction with the officers of the management committee of Langshott Ladybirds Nursery, with reference to updated information from;
Nursery will receive bulletins updating government statutory guidance and will follow this guidance
Immediate review of this policy will take place on notice of a pandemic and may be updated accordingly following government advice.
Key holders to the nursery building are listed within the staff file.
- The Manager of Langshott Ladybirds Nursery will be informed by the Local Authority if the local area is affected by a pandemic. The Nursery Manager will be responsible for taking the decision to close the nursery should such advice be received from the Local Authority.
- If the Nursery Manager is not working the responsibility will fall to the Nursery Assistant in collaboration with the management committee or Special Needs Co-ordinator.
- A decision may be taken to close Ladybirds Nursery if there is insufficient staff to ensure required adult/child ratios.
- When making decisions to remain open or to close the nursery, the safeguarding of children in the care of Ladybirds Nursery should be maintained.
- On closure, parent/carers will be informed by email, text message, nursery website, social media and notices will be displayed on the windows of the nursery building. Similar ways will be used to notify of imminent opening or change to arrangements.
- Advice will be given from the Local Authority on when to re-open or make some provision available. Parents will be asked to check our website and facebook/Instagram for update on opening
Infection Control
- Sufficient quantities of anti-bacterial spray will be stored at the nursery to enable staff to ensure surfaces, door handles, toys and equipment, floors and chairs etc, are regularly disinfected in order to reduce the risk of infection.
- Used tissues are placed in a closed top bin and disposed of daily. The bin is washed daily
- Children and Staff are encouraged to cover their mouths when coughing and using a tissue for wiping noses or when sneezing. Hands must be washed afterwards.
- Children and adults will wash their hands on entering and leaving the nursery room, before preparing or eating food, after using the toilet or playing outside.
- Staff may wear protective disposable plastic aprons and latex gloves when changing nappies and wiping bottoms. Protective gloves may be worn when assisting with nose wiping or face cleaning.
- Staff who fall ill during a session of nursery will be required to go home and to return only when they are completely recovered, or according to Government advice.
- Children who fall ill during a session will be comforted in a quiet area away from other children. The parent/carer will be informed and asked to collect the child and keep them at home until they are fully recovered, or according to Government advice.
- Staff may wear surgical face masks when attending to children who are ill and waiting for collection.
- Staff or children at high risk of complications arising from infection may be advised to remain away from Langshott Ladybirds Nursery for the duration of the pandemic risk and return only on advice from their doctor.
Business Continuity
- If the nursery is asked to close by the local authority, then Free Entitlement payments will continue to be made by Surrey.
- If the nursery is asked to close parents who pay for their own child at nursery will still be required to pay the regular fees.
- Admission will be refused to any child or adult who is unwell, the child should stay away from the nursery following advice from the Government and local authority.
- Well staff will be required to work at their normal working hours and may also be asked to cover for sick colleagues (for which they will be paid at their normal hourly rate).
- Staff remaining away from Langshott Ladybirds Nursery for reasons of sickness or on the advice of a doctor, will be in receipt of the statutory sick pay as per our
- On the required closure of Langshott Ladybirds Nursery staff will be paid their usual contracted pay and will be expected to use those hours away from nursery to engage in paperwork or other tasks relating to the upkeep and enhancement of the Langshott Ladybirds Nursery. Regular contact will be maintained with the nursery manager to monitor well-being and to share decisions about workload.
- Staff with children who’s school or childcare has closed will be entitled to bring their children into work with them, but they must remain in control at all times, be fit and well and children must follow our hygiene policy.
- Regular meetings will be held in the event of a pandemic warning and routines and plans changed and updated accordingly.
Dealing with illness and bereavement
- Staff will attend related training courses.
- Information and support will be sought from the contacts at the top of this policy.
- Parents/carers and staff will be open and honest, information and support will be made available through contact with the above organisations.
- Confidentiality will be respected at all times.
Policy updated and reviewed March 2020