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EYPP and Deprivation Payment Policy & Procedures

Langshott Ladybirds Nursery aims to improve the opportunities for children from a wide range of backgrounds. We are an inclusive provision.

The nursery aims to support children to reach or exceed their expected potential. We aim to extend children’s knowledge and promote a challenging and supportive environment for all children in our care.

The Early Years Pupil Premium is a fixed amount paid per hour, to nursery, for children who are already in receipt of the Free Entitlement for Early Education for Three and Four year olds or Working Parent entitlement, and who meet the criteria to register for the EYPP. Some children eligible for EYPP will also meet the criteria for deprivation payment.

It will provide the nursery with extra funding to close the gap between those who meet the criteria to register for the EYPP and others who do not.

The funding can be used to improve the quality of the early years education that we provide for children at Ladybirds.

Engaging Parents and Carers

The nursery will maintain confidentiality with regard to the EYPP and the voluntary registration.

  • All parents/carers will receive a letter telling them about the EYPP within their welcome pack when their child first starts Ladybirds Nursery. The letter will highlight the benefits for their children and give information regarding the eligibility criteria.
  • Parents/carers will be asked to complete their Free Entitlement Form which includes questions regarding EYPP eligibility. Parents who do not complete the relevant section and for whom the nursery management team consider (because of information gathered in the past) may be able to claim , will be approached privately by their key person in order to establish the reason for them not completing the relevant section. This is strictly voluntary, but to ensure that all parents/carers have an equal opportunity, time may be spent in ensuring parents/carers understand the information contained in our letter so we can best support their child in nursery.
On Return of the Completed Forms
  • The nursery manager will establish the criteria which the parent/carer is registering under.
  • If the child is one of the following groups the nursery manager will ask to see the copy of the court order to check that it is correct.
    • Has been adopted from care.
    • Has left care through a special guardianship arrangement.
    • Is subject to a child arrangement order.

The Free Entitlement team are able to check the eligibility of any children that have been identified as being looked after by the local authority.

  • All forms will be retained at nursery and details checked on the Surrey online portal.
  • The details may be submitted no more than one term in advance of the child’s eligibility.
  • Following the EY team checking the online information, a list of children found to be eligible will be available to the nursery manager on the Surrey online portal.
  • The EYCS will also inform the parents of the outcome of the check through email, verbally or by day time telephone number.
  • Payments will be made soon after the end of each term, remittance advice will state EYPP/DP and the amount will be displayed on a separate line.
Payment of EYPP/DP

Total claim will be recorded on the nursery business accounts as individual amounts, the money is ring fenced so it will to be clearly recorded.

How much we receive will show clearly, this amount will vary dependant on the children attending each term.

Careful records will be kept of expenditure, items must be recorded separately to ensure we show that any monies received are spent on activities or enrichment that will support the needs of disadvantaged children.

  • An overall view of child development in the nursery will be recorded within the cohort tracking system used by us to highlight areas where we need to improve our practice or where children require extra support.
  • The tracking system will feature the numbers of children registered for the EYPP.
  • The tracking system is used to highlight shortfalls in equipment, staff training requirements, and planning needs for individual children.
  • Peer observations may be carried out following staff training or as part of evaluation of practice to ensure the nursery staff remain consistent in their approach.
  • Supervisory meetings will take place to ensure staff are working to our policies and procedures and in a consistent manner.
  • The cohort tracking system will be maintained at termly intervals.
  • Key persons will continually assess children’s development needs through observations and evaluations.
Parents and Carers
  • Ladybirds nursery will liaise closely with parents entitled to register for EYPP to ensure that any decisions on its expenditure are open, fair and will make a difference to their child and others at the setting.
  • Ladybirds key person system is effective in helping the nursery and its staff to build a close bond with parents and their children. Key persons will be available to share information and ideas with parents whose children are registered for EYPP.
  • The child’s key person is responsible for ensuring that the child will have access to enhanced support through our planning system. The key person will link with the team member who has responsibility for planning, sharing information and ideas with regards to the needs of the child.
What We Spend The Money On

The amount that the nursery will receive from the EYPP will fluctuate through the academic year. The amount will be totally dependent on how many children we have on role who are eligible for the EYPP.

Langshott Ladybirds Nursery can choose how we wish to spend the money, but must evidence what works and it must raise the quality of the early years education we have on offer.

The nursery may choose from the items listed or take further ideas from outside professionals and parents/carers.

  • Activity sack to share at nursery and home
  • Staff training on specific subjects
  • Enhanced children’s library for home/nursery sharing
  • Information displays in the setting
  • Home visits for play date
  • Cluster group speaker
  • Singing/story session for parents and their children
  • Visits from animal, farm, wildlife, exotic species companies
  • Team meetings to discuss support and practice
  • Coffee and a chat with parents to discuss issues around their child with key person
  • Baskets/bags of fun to use in nursery then to send home with child
  • Visits in our local community
  • Outings using public transport

Bags, books and games that are sent home with the child will be lent for a maximum of one week, they will include props, books and a cue card for parents.  The cue card will list ideas of things to say to the child, to promote learning, as they play together.  It will give ways to support the play, and a statement about the learning opportunities the activity and parent can provide.

Parents will be asked for feedback on the items that go home to ensure the nursery is providing equipment that is useful, fun and appropriate for individual children and their families. 

This list is not conclusive. (Further support for ideas about ways to spend the EYPP is attached to the main copy of this policy in the black policy file in the nursery office.)

This policy was written following guidance from Surrey County Council ‘Guidance for Early Years Providers How to Claim Early Years Pupil Premium’.

To find out more about EYPP go to and search Early Years Pupil Premium or visit

Policy reviewed and updated February 2024.

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