Admissions Policy
The Langshott Ladybirds Nursery is accessible to new parents by telephone 07713 622 761 or by clicking the link below.
We invite all potential new parents and their children to Ladybirds for an initial viewing at which time they will be shown around the nursery premises and given an overview of our ethos, curriculum and nursery routine. Parents will be invited to ask questions and reminded of our contact details should they have any further enquiries once they have left the nursery premises.
At the viewing each parent will be given an application form and advised of the length of the waiting list or an estimated term that sessions may become available to their child.
- On receipt of the completed and signed application form the child’s name is entered on the waiting list (if a place is available at the time then the parent will be contacted and the place offered).
- Parents in receipt of FEET funding for their child will have priority.
- If sufficient places are available, children who are in receipt of the ‘Fifteen Hours Free Entitlement’ will be offered up to 15 hours per week. This is not compulsory and the parent may choose not to take up the child’s full entitlement at Ladybirds.
- Parents of children already at Ladybirds are given the opportunity to reserve extra spaces for the Autumn Term after their child becomes eligible for ‘The Free Entitlement’. These are on a first come first served basis.
- Following allocation of sessions to children in receipt of ‘The Free Entitlement’, the application forms for children entitled to 30 hours through Working Parent Free Entitlement, followed by those aged between two and a half and three years are taken in order of receipt of the application form including the parents eligibility code.
- When a place becomes available the manager will contact the first person on the waiting list by telephone and email. Two separate attempts to contact the parent will be made. If the nursery receives no contact then a final message will be left giving a cut off date for a return call and subsequent removal from the waiting list.
- The parent contact on the next application form will be contacted as above and so on as we move down the waiting list and allocate places.
- When allocating places care will be taken to try to ensure that parent requests for specific sessions are dealt with in a sympathetic way. As places are very often limited it may not always be possible to offer the exact sessions specified on the application form, however, this will always be discussed at the initial contact when a place is offered.
- Ladybirds Nursery offers a minimum of two sessions, spread over two days, to any parent for their child.
- The nursery does not provide flexible sessions, a child is only permitted to attend on their allocated sessions.
On acceptance of a place parents of children who will be in receipt of ‘The Free Entitlement’ when they start at Ladybirds Nursery are not required to pay a deposit, parents are asked to sign a form acknowledging acceptance of the place for their child and agreeing to our terms. The deposit is refundable when the child has attended the nursery for a minimum of three weeks.
On acceptance of a place parents are required to pay a deposit. This deposit forms part of the first term’s fees and is non refundable on cancellation, except at the discretion of the nursery manager.
Within a half term of the child’s start date at nursery the parent will be sent a welcome pack containing information and including consent forms for completion and return by the parent.
A comprehensive sample pack may be provided on request for reading on the nursery premises only.
For the nursery offer for SEND please visit the Surrey local offer at
Policy reviewed February 2024.